Corrections and clarifications | | The Guardian

2022-07-01 19:52:27 By : Ms. Alice Xiao

Rachel DeLisser | Rothko’s Seagram murals | Helen Joyce/Oneworld | Beach Box

In today’s pre-printed rewilding supplement, Vincent Stops is pictured with a neighbour, Rachel DeLisser, not his wife, Rita, as the caption states (Wild World, p10).

Mark Rothko’s Seagram murals are at Tate Britain, not Tate Modern (Destination: Masterpiece, 18 June, Saturday magazine, p39).

Oneworld published Helen Joyce’s book Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality, not Kathleen Stock’s Material Girls as an editing error indicated (Damaged goods, 18 June, Saturday magazine, p28).

Liz Watson co-founded the Beach Box sauna in Brighton with Katie Bracher, not on her own as we suggested (Full steam ahead, 18 June, Saturday magazine, p22).

Other recently amended articles include:

Truthful climate reporting shifts viewpoints, but only briefly, study finds

James Rado, co-creator of Broadway hit Hair, dies at 90

Interest-free loan scheme expanded to reach up to 20,000 Britons

Wrist-worn trackers can detect Covid before symptoms, study finds

Russia threatens ‘serious consequences’ as Lithuania blocks rail goods

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